I've always heard parents say phrases like, "time flies", "I wish I could make time stop", or "slow the clock down". I understand what they mean. As a parent I understand that the cherished moments we have with our minis is fleeting. Time marches on. The desire to hold on to every precious moment comes from a loving place, but I feel so fulfilled in the quality time that my son and I do have the opportunity to share that I don't feel the need to hold on to much - rather set it all free! As a parent, I want to give my son wings and roots! My experience as a mother is full. I don't want to make time stop and I don't want the clock to slow down. I want time to move in it's natural rhythm. When I am with my son, I AM WITH HIM. Like, WITH. HIM. Calls are missed, texts aren't answered and social media gets less attention. Being consumed with his world offers me complete emersion into authentic connections with him - total quality time. Our days are filled with new, old, curiosity, laughter, emotions, exploration and connection.
They days I do get to spend with him are lived in the moment. It offers me a golden opportunity to remain present and witness ALL of his growth, allowing me to thoroughly experience mothering him - unrushed. Slowing time down would not be in alignment with his growth. I want his wings to keep spreading. I want his growth and curiosity to blend into the rare beautiful moments we have together. My witnessing his formation is the gift of motherhood. His roots will ground him for moments of stillness when he is ready to slow. Until then Caleb, onward. As I continue to witness.
Happiest of Birthdays Caleb!